Think about how many little boys dream of growing up to be cowboys someday - and imagine every so often a little girl who does the same. Here you meet two women who as little girls wore thier brothers jeans and boots ,sat on the limb of a tree in the yard with a towel thrown over for a saddle blanket and dreamed of riding across the plains and up the mountain passes on thier ponies.
Those two little girls grew up and started their life journeys as young mothers who could at times have used a helping hand -a supportive mentor with a word or two of sage adivse and a hug and frankly, some times, food for them and their children when those times were lean and babysitters and jobs hard to come by.
Could the support of an organization like Lighthouse have made a difference in the family structure? We don't know for sure but at this point in our lives are convinced it might have. Thus the reason supporting the LIghthouse is important to us. We would like to give back by helping to support young girls, women and men with such a life changing event as pregnancy brings about.
Please let us know if you would like to sponsor Cowgirls Ride for LIfe with a cash donation, sponsorship of a trail segment or with new or good condition trail supplies.
Cowgirls Ride For Life LLC
PO Box 1578
Westcliffe, Colorado
Phone: 719 783-9756 719 783-9756